[Pretty Body Okay Clinic] Abdomen and Thigh liposuction with fat transfer bbl(hipdip) before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Okay Clinic] Abdomen and Thigh liposuction with fat transfer bbl(hipdip) before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery [Pretty Body Okay Clinic] Abdomen and Thigh liposuction with fat transfer bbl(hipdip) before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery *This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen, thigh liposuction and fat transfer bbl (hipdip) at our Pretty Body Okay Clinic and its underagreement for an official use* " I went to 4 clinics in Seoul area after reseaching basically focusing on the liposuction with good reviews, high rates in Liposuction and fat transfer field and she visited Pretty Body Okay Clinic as the most attracted. It's been a month since I got Adomen, thighs liposuction and fat transfer bbl (hip dip). I still have some bioband until the first week, but after that the swelling went down and now its a month already. I feel much better! The swelling has gone down a lot compared to the beginning. I am so ha...