[Pretty Body Okay Clinic] Abdomen and barbie line liposuction before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery.
[Pretty Body Okay Clinic]
Abdomen and barbie line liposuction
before and after
in Korean Plastic Surgery.
*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen and barbie line liposuction at our Pretty Body Okay Clinic and its under agreement for an official use*
"It's been 6 months post abdomen and barbie line liposuction surgery already!
I'm sure it's before and after, so you'll know even if I do not tell you for it long.
I tend to binge eat when I'm stressed, so if things don't work out even though I'm working, I always order the delievery food and drinking alcohol with snacks like crazy with my friends.
I think I lived like that for about 4 months.
And then I came to my senses, I gained more than 10kgs so I could not do anything like that.
I do not think I work out at all and, I have to eat less but I don't have the will to eat less so I decided to have a liposuction surgery right away.
After abdomen and barbie line liposucton surgery, I was wondered if this was effective due to swelling and stupidity, and I think I contacted the consultant a lot for that.
I'm so sorry when I think about it now.
Thank you so much for comforting me whenever I do.
Since I started working out with my boyfriend, I lost weight faster ad my abdomen line was so good!! (can you see my curvey line?!)
Thank you so much Dr. Sung for the surgery!
My boyfriend is really incomparable to his old days.
I am thinking of taking care of it and taking a body profile photo .
I am not going to binge-watch it when I'm stressed out from now on.
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