[Pretty Body Okay]6 months post Abdomen liposuction surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery, it changes her life!

 [Pretty Body Okay]

6 months post Abdomen liposuction 

 in Korean Plastic Surgery, 

it changes her life!

[Pretty Body Okay]6 months post Abdomen liposuction surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery, it changes her life!

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had 360 degree abdomen liposuction surgery done at our Pretty Body Okay Clinic under agreement for an official use*

This is 6 months post abdomen, flanks, and lovehandle liposuction done at Pretty Body Okay Clinic!

Before she had the liposuction, she has the maximum visceral fats.

Hard to see the curve from waist and excessive fats on upper, lower abdomen, and flank area as you can see from the photos.

After consultation, she made an appointment for a surgery!

What would she has done if she did not do her whole abdomen liposuction surgery!

When she gained her weight, she mostly gained on the flanks, lovehandles so it gives the short waist looking.

But now,no more abdomen fats from the abdomen liposuction surgery and she has more thin and longer waist line!

She was so surprised that is this really an effect of the abdomen liposuction surgery?!

She was very satisfied with the result when she visited the clinic for follow up with Dr. Sung.

Thank you Dr. Sung making her waist more curved and thin!

Highly recommend Pretty Body Okay Clinic!!

More information, please contact us as follows:



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