[Pretty Body Okay Clinic]Abdomen and Barbie line liposuction before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery - Finally she found her bodyshape what she put effort on!

[Pretty Body Okay Clinic]

Abdomen and Barbie line liposuction before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery  Finally she found her bodyshape what she put effort on!

 [Pretty Body Okay Clinic]Abdomen and Barbie line liposuction before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery -  Finally she found her bodyshape what she put effort on!

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen lioposuction under agreement for an official use*

Her underbelly through alcohol and tons of fat and meat..

No matter how much she worked out, she didn't lose weight, and even if she controlled her diet, she didn't think about it, and she kept it a secret from the trainer and decided to undergo the liposuction on her abdomen right away.

She visited Pretty Body Okay Clinic as there were not only many good reviews but also had a lot of before and after photos of body liposuction surgery so decide to do f2f consultation right away!

She is the type to proceed quickly without any worries, so she decided to get counseling and get it from Director Sung Hyun-joo, and set a date.

They designed it on the day of the operation, and they did it very meticulously. And the operating room was so kind that she loved it.

She got a high frequency from Pretty Body Okay Clinic and work on the diet so she got a back!!

No matter how much she worked out, her back was not... She is really thankful to the director.

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