[Pretty Body Okay Clinic] 360 rotation abdomen and barbie line liposuction surgery before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery : Abdomen and barbie line liposuction post review for 2 weeks.

 [Pretty Body Okay Clinic] 

360 rotation abdomen and barbie line liposuction

before and after selfie 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

: Abdomen and barbie line liposuction post review  for 2 weeks.

📍On the surgery day📍

At first, I was okay but the surgery time is closer I became lose my mental. Thank you for holding me back. 

I'm also trusting you, Dr. Sung who explained about my surgery in detailed. Thank you, my consultant who explained every single process from photo shoot to post care which relieved me a lot. Even the nurses at the operation room was very kind to me. 

On that day after surgery, I was quite okay and not that pain as I expected so I just enjoyed my recovery time till discharging. Plus, I can even see my leg line more firm and skinny already!

I heard that the swelling gets worse from 2nd day till 7 days. so I hope the swelling goes away soon.

 [Pretty Body Okay Clinic] 360 rotation abdomen and barbie line liposuction surgery before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery  : Abdomen and barbie line liposuction post review  for 2 weeks.

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen & barbie line liposuction surgery done at Pretty Body Okay Clinic and under agreement for an official use*

📍Day 1📍

It hurts more than the first day and it's a little bit hard to walk around. 

I came to the clinic for wound clean but it was so hard to take off my compression garment myself.

I think everyone who wears it alone and takes it off is amazing!

It hurts even more because of the swelling. I came to the clinic well today thanks to the nurse and consultant!

I'm going to take this opportunity to straighten out my body shape!

📍Day 2 to 4📍

On the second day, it hurts so much that I thought I was complacent. 

Day 3, the bruises going to bottom part.

Day 4, the bruises gradually went down and I felt like I was getting better a lot.

📍Day 5 to 7📍

On 5th day, the bruises getting lighter a lot and no problem to do regular activity as usual.

On 6th and 7th day, a lot better on pain and the compression garment is getting bigger already!

📍Day 8 to 10📍

Still have minor pain due to biobond (a.k.a fibrotic tissue naturally makes tissues to recover the scars) and its hardened the body surface but I can handle it to be pretty. 

They said that I have to take good care of it at this time.

📍Day 11 to 15📍

Hopefully, all the swelling and bruises go down by next month. The compression garment getting really big so will plan to adjust it. The consultant said that still have a severe swelling so I am so looking forward to see the final result!!

I will update the review after 1 month post!

 [Pretty Body Okay Clinic] 360 rotation abdomen and barbie line liposuction surgery before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery  : Abdomen and barbie line liposuction post review  for 2 weeks.

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