[Pretty Body Okay Clinic]Arm Lifting surgery (Brachioplasty)after massive weight loss in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Okay Clinic]

Arm Lifting surgery (Brachioplasty)

after massive weight loss 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Okay Clinic]Arm Lifting surgery (Brachioplasty)after massive weight loss in Korean Plastic Surgery

An Arm lift is for tightening loose, sagging skin. If you wish to achieve a more sculpted look, you may want the surgeon to perform liposuction on your arms.

This procedure removes deposits of fat that don't respond to diet and exercise.
If you have both excessive fat and saggy skin then the surgeon will perform both liposuction during arm lifting(brachioplasty).

However, if you do not have any excessive fat to remove and just severe saggy skin remained like above customers, brachioplasty helps her arm shape more firm and tighten.

Of course, you can accept the appearance of an arm lift scar, which typically runs the length of your upper arm and can be unsightly. 
After surgery or during the consultation, the doctor or nurses recommend you to applyy the scar removal medication to make it lighter as well. 

If your main concern is saggy skin rather than scarring, Arm lifting(brachioplasty) definitely you will be satisfied with the result!

The customer was very happy with the result and she got very thin & smooth arms after Arm lifting (Brachioplasty)surgery!

More information, please contact us as follows:

🥇Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng
💡E: prettybodyeng@gmail.com
❤WeChat: prettybodyokay_eng


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