[Pretty Body Clinic]360 degree Abdomen Flanks lovehandle barbie line liposuction Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

360 degree Abdomen Flanks lovehandle 

barbie line liposuction

 Before and After

 in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]360 degree Abdomen Flanks lovehandle barbie line liposuction Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery

*This photo and review are provided from the customer who had abdomen flanks and lovehandle liposuction with barbie line contouring surgery at Pretty Body Clinic and its for under agreement for an official use*

She has the wide pelvis area and like her lower body balance but she was not satisfied with her upperbody so decide to undergo the upper body liposuction in Seoul rather than undergo it where she lives.

She searched clinic where her friends had the liposuction surgery and also, the clinics she looked for.

She visited those clinics in 2 days and picked 2 clinics in Sinsa station and Pretty Body Clinic.

Personally, she liked to do the surgery at Pretty Body Clinic as they do have the full time anesthesiologist beside the clinics in Sinsa has no anesthesiologist.

As Safety is the top priority so she never understand why the clinic do not have their own anesthesiologist!

So she chose her final decision for upper body liposuction at Pretty Body Clinic!

The consultation with Doctor and consultant was great and nobody gave her force to do more surgeries what she never thinks of.
The other clinics slightly adding extra areas and more costs but Pretty Body Clinic did not do that. 

On the surgery day,
Actually, she was not even nervous at all, and she told the doctor that please get rid of all the fats from her body before she fall asleep from the anesthesia.
(Of course, she met her anesthesiologist before she fall a sleep)
She never noticed that she fall a sleep and all the surgery was done when she woke up from the anesthesia.

The compression garment wore and resting in the recovery room.
Had approximately 1 hour of sleep and the pain was getting better and better.
Once she felt much better and it was ready to discharge - of course , the nurse checked on her whether she can able to discharge safely or not.

The nurse told me that the doctor removed 5000cc of pure fat from her abdomen, flanks, lovehandle, barbie line contouring liposuction surgery.

She supposed to come to clinic the next day morning for wound clean and check up however, she lives in far away from Seoul and need to go to work so decided to clean her wounds herself.
It was much confident do the wound cleaning herself rather than going clinic every time.
(Almost customers do wound clean themselves and no problem with that at all)

She was worried a bit whether she may has the inflammation on wounds but there was not such a thing and wound heal so well when she went for the stitch removal.

[Pretty Body Clinic]360 degree Abdomen Flanks lovehandle barbie line liposuction Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery

More information, Please contact us as below:


☞ E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

☞ M.+82 10 4095 0781

☞ Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

☞ Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

☞ WeChat: prettybody0070


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