[Pretty Body Clinic] Fat Transfer BBL with Stemcell Before and after photo in Korean Plastic Surgery- Skinny body BBL

[Pretty Body Clinic] 
Fat Transfer BBL with Stemcell 
Before and after photo 
in Korean Plastic Surgery
- Skinny body BBL
[Pretty Body Clinic] Fat Transfer BBL with Stemcell Before and after photo in Korean Plastic Surgery- Skinny body BBL

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had fat transfer bbl surgery at Pretty Body Clinic and underagreement for an official use*

She used to have a big concerned of butt area. Even she works out on butt and waist area, it was very hard to get the volume on the butt and also making curvey line!

One day, her friend had a nice butt volume with Fat Transfer BBL so she visited the same clinic where she had her fat transfer bbl!

Once she visited the clinic, of course, she has not enough fat for fat transfer on butt what she desired of but the doctor recommends to add the stem cell so that the fat can be maintained with more volume!

She had her fat transfer bbl and stemcell harvest the fats from her abdomen area!

Put Left (350cc) and Right(400cc) with stem cell transfer to her butt.
The fat was taken about 1000cc of her abdomen.

She is very happy with her result and even its 2 months post the surgery, the fat volume was not even done and maintaining it!

She definitely regret if she did not add the stem cells and also done fat transfer bbl at Pretty Body Clinic!

Very professional and very friendly staff, nurses, and doctor!

[Pretty Body Clinic] Fat Transfer BBL with Stemcell Before and after photo in Korean Plastic Surgery- Skinny body BBL

☞ E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
☞ M.+82 10 4095 0781
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