[Pretty Body Clinic] Testimonial Review of Liposuction and fat transfer Breast with Stemcell from American Customer in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic] Testimonial Review of Liposuction and fat transfer Breast with Stemcell from American Customer in Korean Plastic Surgery . [Pretty Body Clinic] Testimonial Review of Liposuction and fat transfer Breast with Stemcell from American Customer in Korean Plastic Surgery ◈ Name/Nickname: Michelle (Female) ◈ Nationality : USA ◈ Date of the Procedure : 14th November 2023 ◈ Surgeon : Dr. JUNG, Chae-Hong ◈ Procedure(s): - Arms+Axillary+Armpit Liposuction - 360 degree Abdomen+flanks+ Lovehandle Liposuction - Fat Transfer Breasts with Stemcell [Pretty Body Clinic] Testimonial Review of Liposuction and fat transfer Breast with Stemcell from American Customer in Korean Plastic Surgery More information, Please contact us as below: ◈Contact◈ ☞ E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com ☞ M.+82 10 4095 0781 ☞ Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal ☞ Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng ☞ WeChat: prettybody0070