[Pretty Body Clinic]Buffalo Hump removal surgery before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Buffalo Hump removal surgery 

before and after 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]Buffalo Hump removal surgery before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

'This review and photos are provided from the customer who had a buffalo hump removal surgery at our Pretty Body Clinic under agreement for an official use'

When she wears something nice clothes, the back of her shoulder, and it was too stressed out for two years.

Then, it was decided to know that this part of the local smoking can government and decided to consult a pretty body for various hospitals!(Her priority was a safety system and anesthesiologist present, and also the body changes after liposuction, price, and scar, and etc.

Her BMI was over 31 so the surgery fee was a bit higher than other standard body.

After the procedure, honestly liposuction was the best!
She cannot recommend the surgery easily as its the surgery but highly recommend buffalo hump removal surgery if someone who has a concern of it like her!
She was stressed out caused this buffalo hump in her life!
It was the miracle and new world that there is no more feeling of being pressed down! 

Of course, The beauty part is satisfied, but it was much comfortable when you move back to the neck, right back and back and back and back.

After surgery, she could not feel any discoumfort as she was not that sensitive on it. 

The pain was ZERO right after surgery, but feel something having bruising somewhere after 1~2 weeks.
(For 2 weeks, she recommended that she didn't feel pain in her daily life, but she recommends that you can stay with the bandaids on.
It's a little bit difficult to take care of the surgery.

Buffalo Hump area was the most stubborn area even after she lost 15kgs and the volume of the back of neck is dramatically reduced!

 As you can see from the other reviews, the staff in the recovery room, reception desk, and also operation room were very nice and professional!

If you are still considering the liposuction, then please go to Pretty Body Clinic for it!

You never regret it!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Buffalo Hump removal surgery before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery


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