[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post thigh liposuction Revision surgery and lost more than 10kgs and 10cm of thigh size before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

3 months post thigh liposuction surgery 

and lost more than 10kgs and 10cm of thigh size 

before and after 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post thigh liposuction surgery and lost more than 10kgs and 10cm of thigh size before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

* This review and photos are provided from the customer who had thigh liposuction surgery at Pretty Body Clinic and under agreement for an official use*

She had 360 Rotation Thigh, Hip, and knee liposuction under Dr. Jung, Chae-Hong and met the doctor from the first consultation, 1 month post, and also 3 months post surgery as well. 
This is the 3 months post review of 360 rotation thigh, hip, knee liposuction surgery.
According to the Inbody Analysis result, the weight was 66kgs and now 57kgs so lost 9kgs of course she work out hard and control appetite as well. 
At the first time she met the doctor, he expected about 5,000cc of pure fats from her thighs including calves, and ankles. 
He took out 5,400cc of the fats from her lower body ( Thighs, hip, and knee : 4,500cc+Calves and Ankles: 800cc). He took out more fat than what he expected.
She had a bad experience of mini knee liposuction surgery done at the other clinic where is the not enriched experienced doctor, it was more than 5 years ago.
She had severe dent on her knee area and also done revision liposuction, almost 80% satisfied with the result on knees. Rest of the 20% are the bone and structure area as its stricky so need to see further 6 more months after all the swelling goes down.
But she is very happy with the knees!

<The size changes 3 months post thigh liposuction surgery>

Butt 102 cm -> 94 cm
Thigh (L/R) 62 cm / 64 cm -> 55 cm / 55 cm
Calves (L/R) 36 cm / 38 cm -> 35 cm / 35 cm
Ankles (L/R) 22 cm / 22cm -> 21 cm / 21 cm

The Doctor said that he expected about 7 cm size changes based on her thigh during the face to face consultation before the surgery but in conclusion, the size was reduced more than when he consulted and the asymmetry of both legs was improved a lot due to poor posture, and the dent due to the failure of the mini knee liposuction was imporved a lot though the revision.
She was looking forward to see 6 months post as the doctor said that the knee part will be better than now.
Now, she's spending a lot of money to buying new clothes everyday and enjoying buying new clothes and chaning new bodyshape!

Thank you Dr. Jung and highly recommend Pretty Body Clinic for liposuction surgery!
[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post thigh liposuction surgery and lost more than 10kgs and 10cm of thigh size before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery


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