[[Pretty Body Clinic]3 Months Post Review of 360 degree Abdomen Liposuction surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery
[Pretty Body Clinic]
3 Months Post Review of
360 degree Abdomen Liposuction
surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery
*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had 360 degree abdomen liposuction and under agreement for an official use*
She was really thinking about it and compared it with Pretty Body Clinic and also other clinics. Visited Pretty Body Clinic 3 months ago and had surgery as well.
The bruises that she was worried about between the day of the surgery and all go away from third week!!!
She worked out very hard and control appetite very hard for first begining ... and now slightly controlling it now compare to the past.But she eats what she wants to eat so no more weight loss since she lose 5kgs (still maintaining the weight losing 5kgs)
She is wearing nice clothes in Summer as no more flabby fats on the lovehandle and flank area!
More motivation to lose weight and diet after 360 degree abdomen liposuction surgery! She will keeps going with the diet and work out!
Thank you, doctor to make such a nice bodyshape!!
This was the first surgery in her life and she was very satisfied with the result and also, all the staff were very nice when she came to the clinic!
check our blogspot (prettybodyglobal)!
[Pretty Body Clinic]3 Months Post Review of 360 degree Abdomen Liposuction surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery◈Contact◈
☞ E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
☞ M.+82 10 4095 0781
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