[Pretty Body Clinic] Full Body Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery_Abdominal Liposuction

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

 Full Body Liposuction Before and after selfie 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

_Abdominal Liposuction 

[Pretty Body Clinic] Full Body Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery_Abdominal Liposuction

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had full body liposuction surgery at Pretty Body Clinic and under agreement for an official use*

This after photo is 10 days post abdomen liposuction under Dr. Jung, Chae-Hong in July 2023. 
This abdomen liposuction is her first procedure from the full body liposuction surgery.
Upper body first then do lower body liposuction later.

She visited Pretty Body Clinic for almost final decision in Feb due to she gained 16kgs after got a covid and it was very stressful and it causes the depression at the same time.

When she arrived at the clinic, change the clothes and got a photohoot and it was very depressed once she saw her body from the mirror. 
She could not believe that this body is her body and never had this body in her life.

Had consultation with consultant and the Dr.Jung.
Normally, do the lower body first due to swelling go to buttom part but will do the upper body first.

Once she went into the operation room after body design, she was shaking her body like crazy since she came from the countryside along and it suddenly felt very scared.
But the doctor and staff in the operation room encouraged her and held her hands.

She opened her eyes after surgery, and she was in the recovery room.
The doctor removed about 5,000cc of pure fats from her ab domen area and it hurt a lot.
 It took her a long time to wake up but she was really satisfied with her new body line even if it’s swollen on the 10th day. The side line goes in and the front part is almost half size of her body!

She would have had another operation no matter what even she went back!

She felt really good to back to work without any issue after 3 days.
And she wants to do her other rest of the body part including the lower body part to get a new body!

She highly recommend Pretty Body Clinic for the body liposuction and very happy with her new body even its all swollen.

[Pretty Body Clinic] Full Body Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery_Abdominal Liposuction

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