[Pretty Body Clinic]Holiday Notice for March: Independent Movement Day in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Holiday Notice for March: 

Independent Movement Day 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]Holiday Notice for March: Independent Movement Day in Korean Plastic Surgery

Pretty Body is closed for Independent Movement Day on 1st March (WED) as the Korean National Holiday.

We will open from 2nd March so please check our holiday notice before making an appointment or visit.

We may delay the responding messages but will try to answer.

[Pretty Body Clinic]Holiday Notice for March: Independent Movement Day in Korean Plastic Surgery

If you have any query and what procedure you are looking at Pretty Body Clinic, Contact us as follows:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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