[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Toned Arm shape and ready to wear tight clothes for Winter!

[Pretty Body Clinic]

Arm Liposuction Before After Selfie 

in Korean Plastic Surgery: 

Toned Arm shape and ready to wear tight clothes for Winter!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Toned Arm shape and ready to wear tight clothes for Winter!

* This Review and photos are provided from the customers who had arm liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use*

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Toned Arm shape and ready to wear tight clothes for Winter!

She had Arm liposuction surgery in April and now 6 months post!
She had 360 degree Arms+Axillary Liposuction surgery and also, back liposuction surgery at the same time!

Sounds like she did upper body transformation with liposuction surgery without abdomen area!

She used to had stressed out the stubborn fats from the arms and getting thinner and thinner everytime.
She is very satisfied with the result and make her body more slim!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Toned Arm shape and ready to wear tight clothes for Winter!

When  she was resting in the recovery room, all the nurses told her that the surgery went well and she got a thinner arms!

Even when she visited the clinic for wound clean the nurses in the wound clean place, told the surgery went so well and look like she lost more than 10kgs!

She had arm liposuction and result were in the weather getting cold.
It is sad she could not wear the sleeveless top in Summer but she will change her clothing style for Winter- more tight !

Thank you so much Dr. Jung! 

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Toned Arm shape and ready to wear tight clothes for Winter!

If you want to get toned arms and change your new clothing style for Winter, contact Pretty Body Clinic for toned arms!

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

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