[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery- Dramatic Result straight away

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Abdomen Liposuction Before After Selfie

 in Korean Plastic Surgery

- Dramatic Result straight away

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery- Dramatic Result straight away

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen liposuction surgery at Pretty Body Clinic, and under agreement for an official use*

She had the full body liposuction surgery in Summer and abdomen liposuction was the first procedure.
She was little bit late from her appointment due to living home far from the clinic but all the staff greeted her very kindly without any showing discomfort.
Some clinic charged for the consultation fee but PBC was ZERO!!!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery- Dramatic Result straight away

The most pleasant point was the consultant texted her how she’s been doing so far before the surgery day and it really relieved her well.
The surgery was under the Dr. JUNG and the doctor was very nice and he explained how the body will turns out and what effort needs to be done after a month.
After Abdomen Liposuction, she was very happy with the result and even it was not the final but still can see how many cc the doctor took out from her abdomen area.
Amount of the pure fat have taken out from her abdomen, flanks, and Love handle and it was 3,800cc of pure fats!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery- Dramatic Result straight away

Undergoing Sleep anesthesia (IV sedation) was the first time and the nurse relieved her so well before she fell asleep for the surgery.
When she woke up from the surgery, she was already resting in the recovery room!
As you can see from the picture, the size of abdomen was reduced quite a lot even though its severe swelling and cannot wait till see the final result!

She really wanted to get the thigh liposuction ASAP!!

For Liposuction surgery, Definitely go to Pretty Body Clinic!!!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery- Dramatic Result straight away

If you want to know how much cc can be removed from your abdomen, contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows:
E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+82 10 4095 0781
Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal
Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng
WeChat: prettybody0070


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