[Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

There are many clinics running for the Plastic Surgeries.

But their surgery style and cost are very different each other.

Some clinics just put their cost in low price to attract more people to come.

You need to check how the clinics are not just judging by the cost!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist: Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

Dr. Jung is a founder of Pretty Body Clinic and has 29 years of surgery experience especially for the liposuction and fat transfer procedure!

More than 30,000 surgery cases with liposuction surgery and grow up to well-known liposuction specialized clinic till now.

Also, maintain a patent for Liposuction surgery technique based on his know-how of 29 years!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

Cost of the liposuction surgery is also important to the customers however, you should remember that there is a reason for that!

You need to double check whether they do have equipped the surgical  equipment and safety management system, plus, in-house anesthesiologist available for your surgery!

As he is a founder and representative doctor of Pretty Body Clinic, he always diagnose the body or face what the customer needs rather than up-selling the treatments.

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

At Pretty Body Clinic, you can see the safety anesthesia determines safe surgery.

An anesthesiologist is present to respond quickly to any emergency, and the clinic is responsible for safer surgery and recovery by closely monitoring and checking the patient's condition.

Of course, the surgeon can see how the anesthesia works and injecting it however, the surgeon should be focusing on their duty safely and giving you more beautiful body!
Everybody has the different symptoms and nobody knows what it will happens to the patient during the operation.
Only the anesthesiologist can handle and keep patients body condition monitored and treated in emergency situation.

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

At Pretty Body Clinic, for the patients safety, 

We do have One-stop Check up on the day so that the doctor can performs the surgery safely and also, the patient can get it done without any issue.

We do double check with our in-house anesthesiologist after checked with the surgeon once all the exam result is come out.

Not only giving the same amount or same anesthesia medicine to all the patient.

Depending on the patients body condition, or health history, the anesthesiologist measure the anesthesia or change the other type of the anesthesia to prevent any causes of the anesthesia.

This point is mostly occurred in the plastic surgery if there is no in-house anesthesiologist available even if the sleep anesthesia is lighter than general.

(this won't be light anesthesia to some patients so it should be checked and monitored by the i-house anesthesiologist)

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

Emergency Response System!

Quick response Emergency Manual : All employees received the education of safety manual to respond quickly in case of emergency.

University Hospital Class ward System: Professional and systematic patient care is carried out by introducing the care system of the university hospital level ward system

Emergency Equipment: Establish various medical equipment to respond to emergencies such as defibrillators, emergency kits, and etc.

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

You need to check this lists for your safety plastic surgery in Korea!

This is also the same checking point what the surgeons and specialists are recommended before undergo the procedure!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

There are lots of cases that have failed the surgery and anesthesia-related accident in recent years!

"According to Samsung Medical Center's report, 82 our of 105 patients who suffered anesthesia-related accidents died between July 2009 and June 2014.

One type of general anesthesia, which induces loss of protective reflexes and requires the use of a breathing tube, accounted for 48 percent of the deaths, the report showed. Sleeping anesthesia, which also induces sleep yet allows patients to breathe unassisted accounted for 37 percent, it added. The latter is known to be relatively safer than general anesthesia but still had a notable accident rate, the report said.

The Korea Society of Anesthesiologists, a doctors’ union, pointed out that about 43 percent of the cases would have been “preventable if standard anesthesia care was given.”

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

"Her death was likely to be related to an anesthesia drug the medics used on her during the operations, the police claimed, adding that the clinic had failed to check the medicine before the surgery.

The police also claimed that the clinic had not asked Ms Law to sign an official consent for the surgery. They added that the procedures had been conducted by uncertified plastic surgeons without the presence of anesthetists."

If you failed the surgery then you can fix it with the clinic you went or at the other clinic however, you are passed away then nobody can fix it!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]Safety Liposuction surgery with In-House Anesthesiologist

Don't Trade your life just to be more beautiful!

If you want to undergo the liposuction or body fat transfer to catch both safety and desired body goal, contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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