[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post Abdomen Liposuction surgery review with selfie before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

3 months post 

Abdomen Liposuction Surgery

review with selfie before and after 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post Abdomen Liposuction surgery review with selfie before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen liposuction surgery under agreement for an official use*

[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post Abdomen Liposuction surgery review with selfie before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

She always have weight and more fats on abdomen and face only so it was very stressful.
To get rid of this concerns, visited Pretty Body Clinic for face to face consultation.
Both doctor and consultant was very nice and also explained about the procedure well.
She was happy with the reasonable price and also their service, she decided to undergo the abdomen liposuction with Pretty Body Clinic.

[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post Abdomen Liposuction surgery review with selfie before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

Doctor removed around 4,500cc of pure fats from abdomen area.
Most people did not mentioned about the pain or pain was okay so she was relieved.
However, when she woke up from the anesthesia in the recovery room, she suffered the pain for 2 hours over.
The nurses gave her some painkiller after got a direction from the surgeon, but she cried due to the pain she could not handle well...
After several times of the painkiller shot, she was relieved from the pain finally.
The nurses at the recovery room were very kind and friendly even she cried for long.

The doctor came and checked on her body condition.
As the doctor said, he took out a lot of pure fats so she had more pain than others.
Both doctor and nurses were thoughtfully caring her well -> that was touched.

This is 3 months post abdomen liposuction surgery, 
not much fats gained on her abdomen area even though she ate a lot for a while and put quite a bit of weight.
(She still has the curve shape even she gain a lot weight on)
She is thankfully happy with the result!

[Pretty Body Clinic]3 months post Abdomen Liposuction surgery review with selfie before and after in Korean Plastic Surgery

If you want to reach your body goal this time, contact Pretty Body Clinic for more information:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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