[Pretty Body Clinic]Testimonial of Full Body Liposuction from American Customer in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Testimonial of Full Body Liposuction 

from American customer

[Pretty Body Clinic]Testimonial of Full Body Liposuction from American Customer in Korean Plastic Surgery

Name/Nick Name: Karina
Nationality: USA
Procedure(s): Full Body Liposuction
Surgeon: Dr. JUNG
Date of the procedure: April 2022

This is the review written from American customer who had full body liposuction surgery at Pretty Body Clinic.
She visited and get interested of full body liposuction at our Pretty Body Clinic after her friend had full body liposuction with us.
As all the womens concern, she also concerned about her arms and thigh part and wondered the skin will be sagged after liposuction surgery.

After her full body liposuction surgery, fortunately, there was no saggy skin and she also put effort on her diet when she back home for a while.
We are so thank you for follow all the instruction we gave!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Testimonial of Full Body Liposuction from American Customer in Korean Plastic Surgery

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