[Pretty Body Clinic]Thigh Liposuction Before And After Selfie

 [Pretty Body Clinic] 

Thigh Liposuction Selfie Before & After

[Pretty Body Clinic]Thigh Liposuction Before And After Selfie

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had thigh liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use*

She had her thigh liposuction surgery 19th August in 2021.
She already had non-surgical fat injection(extracting fat) 2 years ago on inner thighs at the popular hospital!
She had no effect and just wasted money and leave a mark-able scars.

She would like to give a gift to herself who suffered for her ages so she would like to receive the thigh liposuction surgery for her last 20's.

Researched and listed up 4 clinics where to get the thigh liposuction surgery.
Pretty Body Clinic was the most memorable and trustful clinic she went from her list.
The time she went for consultation was at 7 pm and had 40 minutes of consultation with doctor and consultant.
The consultant checked and analysed her Inbody analysis and explained so well.

So conclusion was!
She had less fats but big muscles on her thighs (except the inner thighs) and the consultant did not recommend for thigh liposuction and quite slim enough.
The consultant was trying to explain why she need no surgery, this part impressed her to believe this clinic.

However, she would like to get a thigh liposuction surgery depressingly!

She do understand the result won't be a dramatic and also only get a contouring without a big size changes.
There was no pressure on deposit, or price at all. 
The atmosphere was so comfortable and received advise for the procedures.

Sh decided to get a surgery as she thought more powerful result will be come rather than get a 3~5 times of lipolysis shots!

The day of the surgery,
The doctor was so nice and explained about the procedure so well.
The consultant gave her free lipolysis injection or body botox injection as a service.
(The doctor checked her thighs and inner thigh she had non-surgical procedure and he recommend body botox shot as she had a lot of muscles in her thighs)

She was so nervous when she was in the operation room.
The consultant relieved her and felt a sleep for anesthesia.

The doctor promise her to remove the body fats as much as possible.

When she woke up from the anesthesia, she was recoverying in the recovery room.

No severe pain at all!
Just somebody hit me??

She went to toilet several time due to fluid.
The nurse at the recovery room helped her when she go to toilet and they took care of her so well.
(she went to toilet more than 10 times in 2 hours)

The consultant messaged her when she arrived at the hotel and felt so thankful keep checking on her.

The consultant let me know how to clean the wounds by herself and what she needs to buy for that.
9th day of the surgery yesterday. 
The wounds were healed so well and got a appraised that she cleaned the wounds so well even by herself!

The photos are the before and 11st days after surgery - even she had severe swelling but can see the body shape and size changed.

So looking forward to see the result after 6 months!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Thigh Liposuction Before And After Selfie

If you want to know more about thigh liposuction surgery in Korea, Contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows;

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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