[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Selfie Before and After in Korean Liposuction Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Arm Liposuction Selfie Before and After in 

Korean Liposuction Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Selfie Before and After in Korean Liposuction Surgery

*This photo and reviews are provided from the customer who had arm liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use*

She had her arm Liposuction surgery on 13rd August in 2021 and 10 days post.

Since she had diet and realised that it is very hard to lose weight/size on arms since she was a junior high school student.
Flabby arms always bothered her more than other areas.
Especially when she wears clothes- short sleeve top or sleeveless top , look she is a big fatty girl!
She would like to wear tops without depression!

Before surgery,
She was very nervous and worried about the surgery when she went for consultation, however she was so satisfied with the consultation so decided to arranged the surgery date!

The consultant was so nice and explained about the surgery so well.
As she was a student need to saved money to get a surgery so this procedure is her big surgery for her case.

She had reservations with the other clinics but she cancelled after had consultation with Pretty Body Clinic!

After surgery,
On the surgery: Worried a lot and rest enough after woke up from the anesthesia. Well arrived at home by subway train and bus.
The nurses a the recovery room were very nice and took care of her so well.
No pain on the surgery day but quite discomfort to move.

Day 1~3: Severe swelling rather than severe pain. Had swell on her hand as well.
Weird feeling but walked with dog, and clean home that day. So surprised she was so okay.

Day 4~5: The severe swell goes away and pain was like a muscle pain on her arms.
Like ride the play machines in theme park for whole day.
Just like a muscle pain and no problem to work or do regular activities.

Day 6~10: No discomfort at all. Can lying on the side!
Little bit pain when she took off and on the compression garment. And severe swelling were nearly gone.

The most painful was the needle inserting in her veins before surgery, and the most cannot bothered were cannot shower for a while!

She was amazed herself that she is soooo okay than what she worried before surgery.
(Wondered is it okay to be so fine ?)

And also, she had neither much bruises nor itches at all.
She think she made a good decision to chose the clinic for her arm liposuction.

<Weight and size changes?
Heigh: 168cm

Before surgery: 60.75kg/ Arm: 28cm
Right After surgery; 62.6kg 
10th Day: 61.85kg / Arm: 24cm

If she work out, control appetite then she will lose more size and weight!

She is sooo looking forward to see her final result!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Selfie Before and After in Korean Liposuction Surgery

If you want to know more about arm liposuction procedure at Pretty Body Clinic, Contact us as follows:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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