[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Selfie Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Abdomen Liposuction Selfie Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Selfie Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery

*This Photo and Reviews are provided from the customer who had thigh liposuction surgery at Pretty Body Clinic and under agreement for an official use*

This is an amazing!
She had her arm liposuction before decided to do abdomen liposuction surgery at Pretty Body Clinic.
After she had arm liposuction, the abdomen area look much bulge and big. 
She was regret that she did not listen the consultants opinion at the first time.
At the first time she visited the clinic for a full body liposuction surgery but just want to get rid of the arms first. (The consultant recommended the upper body liposuction)

She does not like any kind of the work outs since she was very younger. From that result, she had more fats on her lower abdomen than upper abdomen.
She gained more weights and her abdomen getting bigger at the same time since COVID19.

Her visceral fat rate is 20% which quite high.
She heard that abdomen liposuction is the most effective and fast result can get from the liposuction surgery. 
She did not expected that much fats will be gone after liposuction. 
And she found that her abdomen is already flat right after surgery.
She was so happy with her result and all the stress gone with liposuction!

All the staff were so busy to take care of their customers that day but they took care of her so well.
Explained everything she wanted to know and really enjoyed to talk and spend time at Pretty Body Clinic!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Selfie Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery

If you want to get a flat abdomen, contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows:
Make an appointment for a face to face consultation!

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+82 10 4095 0781
Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal
Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng
WeChat: prettybody0070


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