[Pretty Body Clinic] Fat Transfer BBL 50% off Promotion in Korean Plastic Liposuction Surgery Center!

 [Pretty Body Clinic] 

Fat Transfer BBL 50% off Promotion 

in Korean Plastic Liposuction Surgery Center!

[Pretty Body Clinic] Fat Transfer BBL 50% off Promotion in Korean Plastic Liposuction Surgery Center!

How come you still do not know about this promotion?!

Pretty Body Clinic is running some promotions for the customers who are coming from overseas!

If you were considered for the fat transfer BBL but its too pricey in Korea, 
Then this promotion will help you to get rid of your big concerns!

50% OFF Promotion of Fat Transfer BBL!

But this promotion is not offering for all customers!
There are in terms of condition you may easily make!

👌 This promotions is provided for all the customers over KRW 15mil of surgery fee

👌 Unfortunately, compression garment and medications cannot be supported
(KRW 15mil is not including the compression garment and medications)

👌Transfer deposit in advance!

👌 No duplicate with the other promotions.

[Pretty Body Clinic] Fat Transfer BBL 50% off Promotion in Korean Plastic Liposuction Surgery Center!

If you want to know more about this promotion and apply for it, Don't miss it!

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+82 10 4095 0781
Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal
Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng
WeChat: prettybody0070


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