[Pretty Body Clinic]Video Consultation with Doctors!- Call and Ask what you want to ask


[Pretty Body Clinic]

Video Consultation with Doctors!

- Call and Ask what you want to ask 

[Pretty Body Clinic]Video Consultation with Doctors!- Call and Ask what you want to ask 

If you are still considering for the procedures and not sure you will have an ideal body figure from the liposuction surgery at our clinic, why don't you make an appointment for a video consultation before visit Korea or making decision?

Process is...


Contact Pretty Body Clinic as below or contact detail


 Make an appointment in advance

(there will be a short consultation to notify to the doctor and consultant)


 Wait for the confirmation (need to check the doctors schedule as well)

We will let you know when/ time / availability before call.

 Start the consultation!


FYI, If you wear Tank Top/ Bikini/ or Underwear inside of the gown, or clothes, then it would be more easier for a video consultation for doctor.

But more specific information will be during the face to face consultation.


One More Thing!


This video consultation is available one day a week! 

(Saturday/ Sunday/ Public Holidays are not available)


1 Hour Consultation!

You will get a free of small surgery or non-surgical treatments in one area  you need or doctors' recommendation if you arrange the surgery in advance with deposit!



[Pretty Body Clinic] Video Consultation Promotion in Korea!- Ask doctor what you want to know before coming Korea!

If you want to arrange the Video Consultation with our Doctor before coming to Korea, Contact Pretty Body as follows:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


#prettybodyclinic, #prettybody, #plasticsurgeryinkorea, #koreanplasticsurgerybeforeandafter, #videoconsultation, #facetime, #onlineconsultation, #plasticsurgeryconsultation, #liposuction, #bodycontouring, #fattransfer, #bbl, #breastaugmentation, #appointment, #promotion, #fullbodyliposuction, #plasticsurgeryonlineconsultation, #kbeauty, #plasticsurgeryreview, #thighliposuction, #365days, #questionnaires, #questions, #doctorsconsultation, #bodysculpt, #bodygoal, #recommendation, #weightloss, #hourglassshape, #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea


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