[Pretty Body Clinic]Full Body Liposuction Testimonial(review)from American Customer at Pretty Body Clinic in Korea

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Full Body Liposuction Testimonial(review)from 

American Customer at Pretty Body Clinic  

[Pretty Body Clinic]Full Body Liposuction Testimonial(review)from American Customer at Pretty Body Clinic  in Korea

This customer contacted our Pretty Body Clinic from July 2021 and considering for the full body liposuction surgery when she comes to Korea for her wedding next year!

She was not sure about the procedures undergoing at our clinic but she made her decision for her procedure at Pretty Body Clinic after she had virtual consultation with Dr. Jung and Angelina.

The consultation was run for 30 min. to 1 hour and she made an appointment for the surgery with her deposit in the same week of the virtual consultation.

We are all thanks to her that she is recovering well and enjoying the times with the staff at Pretty Body Clinic!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Full Body Liposuction Testimonial(review)from American Customer at Pretty Body Clinic  in Korea

If you want to know more about Full Body Liposuction at Pretty Body Clinic, Contact us as follows:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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