[Pretty Body Clinic]Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pretty Body Clinic]Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had fat transfer breast augmentation surgery at our clinic and under agreement for an official use*

She achieved her body goal and a big makeover on the body transformation after she had fat transfer Breast augmentation surgery.
Take out the fats from the abdomen and thighs and put fats into the breasts.

She had excessive fats on her thighs but very small boobs so always struggling with this body complex even though her body weight is not over weighted but this body is not what she wanted.

So she researched some clinics for the liposuction surgery and read a review about the fat transfer breasts and liposuction in Pretty Body Clinic.
Get interested and visited the clinic for f2f consultation.

Decided to getting a fat transfer breasts and liposuction together.
She will be regret if she did not done her thigh liposuction and fat transfer breasts in Pretty Body Clinic!
The results is very successful she thinks. 
She can see the thigh getting smaller and more contoured on her leg line and the waist line (Lovehandle ) part always bothered her, gone!

After she had fat transfer Breasts, more slim body and glamourous body shape!
Still in the recovery but so exciting to see her final results and exciting to wear a new clothes what she wants to wear after surgery!

The doctor did really good job! 
He did the surgery on her body very detail and check up her body very well after surgery!
Everything was so satisfied and highly recommend Pretty Body Clinic to people who are still considering for a liposuction and body fat transfer procedure!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

If you are afraid of inserting an implant inside of your boobs or want to get a body contouring procedure with Fat Transfer, contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows:

M.+82 10 4095 0781

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WeChat: prettybody0070


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