[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After photo in Korean Plastic Surgery- Finally got a wannabe curvey body line!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Abdomen Liposuction Before After photo in Korean Plastic Surgery

- Finally got a wannabe curvey body line!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After photo in Korean Plastic Surgery- Finally got a wannabe curvey body line!

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen liposuction surgery at Pretty Body Clinic and under agreements for an official use*

She had her abdomen liposuction surgery 10 days ago - 2021/07/16
The bulging and fatty abdomen is more obvious on the photos standing in side. 
She has more fats on the side rather than just front area.
After she had abdomen liposuction, side part of the abdomen is more slim and have curve line what she wants to get.

She got a wannabe waistline and looks much slimmer even when she wears the tight pants she could not wear before she had abdomen liposuction surgery.

Her clothing suites more slim and curved so her entire of body shape is more contoured even she only had abdomen liposuction. -  Look much slim and nicer.

She is happy with her result and she did a good job that had abdomen liposuction surgery earlier.
She tried diet and hard to get rid of the stubborn fats survived in her abdomen area but now she got her wannabe bodyshape!

Thank you so much for the doctor who did a good job on her abdomen area!
Thanks for the staff in the clinic they took care of her so well.

The maintain of body sculpt after liposuction is also very important so she will do the best to keep her body shape nice as now.

She is looking for a summer vocation and wear a biniki this time!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After photo in Korean Plastic Surgery- Finally got a wannabe curvey body line!

If you have a body goal how your body look like then contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows!

M.+82 10 4095 0781

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