[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before and After Selfie Photo in Korea!

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Arm Liposuction 

Before and After Selfie Photo in Korea!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before and After Selfie Photo in Korea!

*This Before and After photos and Reviews are provided from the customer and under agreement with Pretty Body Clinic and customer for official use*

She had Arm Liposuction 2021. May.

She is very slim but suffering with flabby arms and cannot wear sleeveless top in Summer!
She has quite a big arm size compared to her body size.
Worked out a lot to reduce the arm size but it did not worked at all so she decided to do arm liposuction at Pretty Body Clinic.

She does not have to worry about the choosing clothes and and so happy with her arm liposuction result!
Her arm is now parallel and no more bulging fats!

She is very quite and no questions about the arm liposuction but the consultant kept asked her any further queries she wanted to know about her surgery.
This is the most pleasant part during face-to-face consultation!
Greeted and answered all the questions in very late consultation time.

The incisions are very small like a width of nails and on the elbow and armpit area!
This is very small and on the unnoticeable area so no marks she had arm Liposuction surgery!

[Pretty Body Clinic]Arm Liposuction Before and After Selfie Photo in Korea!

If you want to know more about arm Liposuction in Korea, Contact our Pretty Body Clinic as follows:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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