[Pretty Body Clinic] Leg line Transformation from Muscular to Straight with Thigh Liposuction

 [Pretty Body Clinic]

Leg line Transformation from 

Muscular to Straight with Thigh Liposuction

[Pretty Body Clinic]  Leg line Transformation from Muscular to Straight with Thigh Liposuction

*This photo and reviews are provided from the customer who had thigh liposuction surgery and under agreement for official open with Pretty Body Clinic and customer*

This is a month post thigh liposuction surgery and still have the swelling.
But it is subsiding slowly and felt some uneven on the legs but it firmed down after a month.
She used to have a lot of concerns of her thighs. She has very hard thighs with a big muscles on her thighs so making a straight leg line is very difficult with liposuction as well.
The doctor removed about 3,500cc of pure fats as much as possible and this amount of fats are quite a lot than she had on her thighs (as her thighs are mostly a big muscle rather than lots of fats).

After liposuction, she put on effort to reduce the size of the muscles on her thighs and control appetites. (Work out is not that a good way to reduce the thigh size in her case)

She never expected that she can have this straight leg line with liposuction surgery!
(She has quite slim calves so no need to get a procedure for calves at all!)

She is very happy with her result and cares from consultation to discharging!

If you want to know more about her secret, contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows:

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com

M.+82 10 4095 0781

Instagram/Pinterest/Blogspot: prettybodyglobal

Line/Kakaotalk: prettybodyeng

WeChat: prettybody0070


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