[Pretty Body Clinic] Find your hidden V line!


Find your Hidden V Line with

Face liposuction & Threadlifting

Complete your V Line in Any Angles with

Face liposuction and threadlifting!

Facial Bone contouring surgery is not an only way
to make your face line smaller or sharp (V line).

Complete your perfect V line by removing fats around the face

like you had a bond contouring surgery!

She used to suffered with her double chin area so badly.
especially when she looked down or looked up.
The chin was like a Pelican..

Always considered as the first priority.
Get rid of all the fats around the face!!


Find the hidden V Line!!

But it was not enough to get the hidden V line with lipo for her case.

As her skin is already saggied so, also did Threadlifting together.

A day Before surgery, She worried sooo much but
she felt something so quick due to all the procedures were done in short
when she woke up from her surgery.

The worst day was from the first day to third days.

She put really thick make up because the swelling
(she used to get swelling a lot even before surgery)

There were no discomfort for her usual activities just
swelling felt..

And a week after, the moderating the swelling and finally
see the V shape. (No more double chin or fats around the face!)

This photo was only a week after surgery,
and now get more slim and V shape.

The surgery is the most concerning part and hard to make decision before surgery.

However, once you made a decision, it was not that big deal

When she look at the mirror , very happy with her result!

As the liposuction needs advanced technique (Hand Technique),

Better to find a good clinic where they are specialised in liposuction/ or one specific

rather than doing all the kinds of procedures.

That was one thing what she thought very thoroughly to chose a clinic!

Hope keep looking for some clinics and find a good place for your surgery
Like what she found our Pretty Body Clinic!!

Be Prettier!

More information, please contact us anytime

E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+ 82 10 4095 0781
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