[Pretty Body Clinic] Everthing about Liposuction at Pretty Body Clinic, Seoul, Korea!

Everything About Liposuction!
May customers/ Patients are asking about some query or
before visiting our Pretty Body Clinic,
They would like to know more information what they need to
prepared and what to know about the surgery before making decision!
We prepared some FAQ contents to provide the simple answers
before you ask! :)
This is the most top main Questions and Answers
from the customers in overseas!
Everything About Liposuction at
Pretty Body Clinic!
Q1. Do I need special treatment after liposuction?
A1. Liposuction therapy can be completed by systematic post-process
management to enable the treatment area to settle
in balance/ beautiful line
All the pre and post operative treatments are 1:1 patient-tailored
treatment depending on patients' body condition and schedule!
Q2. Do you charge for consultation?
A2. Consultations are always free.
Pretty Bodu Clinic offeres personalizaed program that take into account
all situations.
Do not hesitate to visit us for a consultation.

Everything About Liposuction
Pretty Body Clinic!
FAQ continue....
Q3. Can I do full body liposuction in one day?
A3. You can do full body liposuction in one day if there is a space
for the full body liposuction in our schedule.
Howeverm if you are over 75kgs then we might need to separate to
two procedures/surgeries
so that the doctor can remove the body fat cells as much as he/she can do
in Safe condition of your body.
As the swelling and bruises goes down so
Lower body liposuction first then do upper body liposuction
2-3 days interval day from the first liposuction!
Q4. Can I receive a Liposuction during menstruation period?
A4. You can receive a liposuction during menstruation period.
Inform us in advance to let the staff, surgeons take extra care
of the sensitive issues during operation.
If it is not a first or second day (or not much amount) then
we can provide a Tampons to prevent any issue like hygene.
So do not worry about the surgery procedure
 even you are on mestruation period!
Q5. I have a bleeding on incision area after surgery, is it normal?
What should I do?
A5. This is a tumescent liquid used for liposuction, not the blood.
Once small amount of blood are mixed
then the colour of liquid would be red.
After liposuction,'
You might have some leakage of liquid
so do not worry about it as it is very normal!
The leakage will be absorbed into your body or
come out from urine!
If you drink a lot after surgery and go to toilet a lot then
it helps to drained out a lot of liquid from your body.
So it can be prevented from the leakage or more leakage.
Please do not move too much after surgery until 2nd day of surgery!
Otherwise, you might have possibility of either re-stitches or lots
leakage for longer than usual leakage day.
We are preparing for a new FAQ next time !
And if you have any further Questions you want us to post on FAQ
you can send to us or reply on this post!
More information, please contact us anytime
E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+ 82 10 4095 0781
Kakaotalk/Line: prettybodyeng
Wechat: prettybody0070
Whatsapp/Viber available
Instagram / Pinterest / Blogspot: prettybodyglobal


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