[Handwritting Review] Pretty Australian Lady's Experience of Body Contouring Surgery with Pretty Body Clinic!

Thank you so much for handwritting review !
Addy (The nickname of our customer) contacted our Pretty Body Clinic directly
through the email (prettybodyeng@gmail,com) and queries about the surgery:
Procedures, concerning area, price, all the surgeries in one time,
Recovery time, and reservation for surgery, etc.
Addy is from Australia and we keep in touch from Last year 2018 December!
She was interesting to do full body liposuction and also, sent her weight/height at the first email
I have asked her to sent some full body photos (front, back, side) so that
check the size and negotiation etc .
Her body was just perfect and also, doing really good like exercise regularly, eat healthy.
I did not understand why she wanted to do liposuction even she already having a perfect figure!
I replied her email based on her body photo,
Cannnot make her body size reduction or dramatic result with liposuction
only can do body contouring.
Body contouring was what she really want to do.
When we meet together in April 2019!
She was sooooo beautiful like a model and celebrities.
All the staff at Pretty Body Clinic asked everytime when they meet Addy,
"Is she a model?"
" Is she a celebrity?"
Addy was already celebrity at our Pretty Body Clinic! haha
Her surgery was the next day after consultation day (also, arrival day) but
she liked our clinic and consultant(Angelina) so well.
She changed to do her arms , axillary, thighs, hipline, and knee liposuction
right after consultation!!!
All the process went very smoothly and quick.
Consultation-> pre-operative exam(blood test, photoshot) -> full payment
-> size check for garment -> pre-operative treatment -> surgery
Doctor. KIM, Ji-Young removed her body fat as much as she can removed.
Compared to her body size and her body, she removed quite a lot of fats.
(No bleeding, or not much bruises)
The most thing made us really surprised was
Her recover is sooooooooo fast!
Right after surgery and at the recovery room, she recovers less than an hour!
also, her body condition, health condition after surgery was great!
Everybody surprised and also, she told us that she feels much better ! haha
We made reservation for her wounds clean next day,
every two days for post-operative treatment.
To get better, swelling, bruises, and pain goes away faster!
The next day of surgery, she had some bruises but it gets better and better
everyday when she visited.
(hardly realized that she had bruises or swelling;;)
She is back to Australia now!
More information, please contact us anytime
E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+ 82 10 4095 0781
Kakaotalk/Line: prettybodyeng
Wechat: prettybody0070
Whatsapp/Viber available
Instagram / Pinterest / Blogspot: prettybodyglobal


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