[Pretty Body Clinic] Pre-Operative FAQ

[Pretty Body Clinic]


Pretty Body Clinic

Pre-Operative FAQ!

Everybody has several question before make a decision.
Many customers are asking us about the procedure, what is pre-operative procedure,
Our Pretty Body Clinic prepared some Pre-operative FAQ to solve the curiousity.
"Pretty Body Clinic Pre-operative FAQ"
Most customers are asking us
How many hours should be fast or stop eating or drinkin before surgery
--> All the surgeries under sleep anesthesia (IV sedation). The doctor recommend that
stop eating 6 hours before surgery time
Stop drinking 2 hours before surgery time
If customer consumed food, the food will be stuck inside of the throat
and it causes blocking airway.
What kind of anesthesia under the operation
General? Local? Sleep / Sedation
--> All the surgeries are performed under sleep anesthesia (IV Sedation).
The patient has some level of consciousness so they can regain consciousness
when spoken to or touched,
So it can be seen as the paitnet is in a relaxed state.
'Pretty Body Clinic - Pre-Operative FAQ' Cont...
Does applying Makeups, nail polish, contact lens, or pedicure affect anesthesia?
--> Wearing nail polish does not directly affect anesthesia itself.
However, the patients' oxygen level is measuredby checking the
patient lip condition/color and devices worn on the finger and toe.
( or leave one finger each hand and each toes just in case, the monitoring sensor is not working well on finger or toes)
So wearing vivid colored makeup or nail polish or pedicure can interfere with
checking the oxygen level so it must be removed before surgery/ anesthesia.
How long should be wear compressive Garment?
-->  Wearing Compessive garment properly is very important to design the body line.
Also, by wearing compressive garment, it helps to relieve the bruises and swellon as well.
Without wearing compressive garment, you may feel more dizzy due to relesing your body.
For Cosmetic surgery purpose, the doctor highly recommend patients to wear
compressive garment 24 hours for first 7days,
12 hours (during the daytime, or activities, or night) after 7 days till a month
8 hours after a month.
However, if you think you need more time to recover, then
wear the compressive garment until 3 months.
as long as you can wear compressive garment will help you to get nice and sexy body line
**The garment should not be wrinkles or gaps between skins and garment
The body sculpt will be designed depending on how did you wear the compressive garment.
If the garment was wrinkled/ or gaps your body line will be wrinkled or some bulgings
on your body which is
very difficult to firm even if you do revision and with the best surgeon.
More information, please contact us anytime
E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+ 82 10 4095 0781
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