[Pretty Body Clinic] 2 Months after surgery - Arms + Lower body Liposuction & Calves Botox

[Pretty Body Clinic]
2 Months After Surgery
Arms + Axillary Liposuction
Thighs + Hipline + Knee Liposuction
The height/ weight of the above customer was
173cm / 73kgs
concerning of lower body,and arms.
With Pretty Body's 360 degree liposuction,
more than 4000cc of fat was taken from her arms and thighs
2 Months after Thighs Liposuction and Calves botox
The compressive garment getting smaller.
She used to wear L size of clothing but she is now wearing S size
for lower body.
By injecting botox on caves, the bulging area are more firm and slim
2 Months after Arms+ Axillary Liposuction,
Her arm shape is more firm and parallel.
The swellon and bruises for 2 weeks and getting much better,
The invisible swellon still on my body,
so the final result can be precise from 3 months.
More information, please contact us anytime
E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+ 82 10 4095 0781
Kakaotalk/Line: prettybodyeng
Wechat: prettybody0070
Whatsapp/Viber available


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