[Pretty Body Clinic] Cartoon- What is a Liposuction?

Cartoon -
What is a Liposuction?
Liposuction is a fat removal technique with advanced medical tool.
The stubborn fat that you cannot get rid of with
diet, exercise, or control food.
With a Liposuction, it removes all the unwanted body fat!
It is also very valuable surgical who are
concerning of body or Obese!
Liposuction surgery is applied to all the body!
From Face to ankles (Bottom of the body)!
The most concerning part of body from the poeple are:
For Men:
Abdomen/ Enlarged Breast (Gynecomastia)
For Women:
Thighs/ Hip /  Abdomen/ Arms
This stubborn area is mostly caused by
hormes, testosterone, estrogen.
(also, it developed from purberty)
Left and Right women have the same spec:
But they look totally different!
It is because of the percentage of fat and muscle they have
Fat is a volume rather than weight
Muscle is a weight rather than volume.
For Women, they mostly have a subcutaneous fat rather
than viscereal fat
It also same as the Male case,
Men has more muscle rather than fat compared to Women.
Therefore, men easy to lose weight if they control eating and little of exercise
for the body.
For the men, they mostly have a viscreal fat rather than subcutaneous.
<Body Mass Index for Female>
Of course, the BMI calculation is based on weight and height
Liposuction, no matter how much BMI the customer have.
Liposuction is basically, remove the stubborn fat around your body
However, the customer has lots of fat all around the body
It would be different.
<Body Mass Index for Man>
With a Liposuction, the BMI also can be decreased by removing
unwanted or excess body fat.
Weight will not changed much but volume, shape, and BMI
are reduced / improved.
If you are suffering an Obese,
there are lots sickness,
Hear Disease, Shorteness of Breath, Osteoarthritis, Liver Disease, Diabetes
However, when you escape form the obese,
You will find a good things!
What you deserved for it!
Beauty/Handsome, Happiness, Health, Easiness, Success
Liposuction will not give you all of them but
can help you to get these benefits more easily!
That's Why Liposuction does!
'What is a Liposuction'?
Liposuction, as you can see from the picture above,
By using the cannula suck out the unwanted/stubborn fat on
subcutaneous fat (under the skin tissue) and reduce the volume of body
Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells so
you can find your fitness more faster.
Liposuction can reduce the number of fat cells but
cannot reduce the size of fat cells!
It's up to you!
By exercising, control eating will be helpful to reduce the size!

You might have thought like above picture!
However, do not worry!
Our Pretty Body Medical Team will help you out
even more beautiful and slim than them!
Our Pretty Body Clinic is specialized in Body Contouring surgery!
More than 30,000 surgery cases for Body Contouring!
Why don't you hurry up ?
More information, please contact us anytime
E. prettybodyeng@gmail.com
M.+ 82 10 4095 0781
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