[Pretty Body Clinic]Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation without inserting Implants (+Selfie Before & After photo) in Korea

[Pretty Body Clinic] Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation without inserting Implants (+Selfie Before & After photo) in Korea [Pretty Body Clinic]Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation without inserting Implants (+Selfie Before & After photo) in Korea I had Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation on 6th January 2021 at Pretty Body Clinic. Recently, I lost 5kgs from diet but also, lost breast volume as well with sunken on my upper breasts. So googled for how to raise the breast volume. Few months ago, I used a cream that helped for raise volume size however, suffered with skin sensitiveness with no effect! Honestly, I do not want to put implants so I found a breast augmentation with my fats! Since then, searched for breast fat transfer and chose 3 clinics after contacting them in phone and kakaotalk chat. Visited 2 clinics first. The reason that I decided to do my fat transfer breast augmentation with Pretty Body Clinic is my consultant was very nice and explained to me so well even I asked ...